Life Release
We practise compassion and loving-kindness and develop Bodhicitta with
Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima’s Teaching by organizing life release activities and pray for all sentient beings to be free from oceans of samsaric sufferings and attain Buddhahood swiftly.
21 August 2021
Life Release
We would like to invite you to join the life release with our Venerable Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima on 21 August 2021 (Saturday). May this life release bring all living beings to perfect Buddhahood, and His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and all the great masters in the world live long. We also aspire that the world will be in peace and the existing pandemic will be subsided soon.
Details of the activity are as follows:
Date: 21 August 2021 (Saturday)
Gathering time: 10:30 a.m.
Departure time: 11:00 a.m.
Meeting point: Tsuen Wan Pier
No. of seats: 150
– Please wear a mask throughout the activity; and,
– Seats are limited and registration is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Apple
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
27 June 2021 (Sunday)
Life Release to Celebrate the Birthday of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje
Date: 27 June 2021 (Sunday)
Gathering Time: 10:00 a.m.
Departure Time: 10:30 a.m.
Meeting Point: Tong Shui Road Public Pier, North Point
Seats: 150

19 May 2021
Life Release on
Buddha’s Birthday
19 May will be a special day – Buddha’s birthday. It is good if we can practice Dharma and do good karma on that very special and important day. So, for that, I did request the Wisdom Light Office to hold a life release again. It is because all of you paid attention to the life release last time for my birthday. Many Dharma brothers and sisters joined the life release. This is very, very good. At that time, we bought many fishes. It is very wonderful. So, it is very, very important to all of your Dharma practice if we can do life release again on Buddha’s birthday, especially many fishes are suffering in the market. This good karma is very important to all living beings in this world too. So, for that, we will practice life release on the morning of Buddha’s birthday.
A message from Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima 29 April 2021 released in “Wake Up with Dharma” WhatsApp Group.

18 April 2021
Life Release to Celebrate the Birthday of our Master, Venerable Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima
21 April is the birthday of Venerable KhenRinpoche Kalsang Nyima. We would like to invite you to join us to celebrate this special and important day through three Dharma activities and puja – Lucky Bag Giveaway, Life Release and White Tara Puja.
Life release
Date: 18 April 2021 (Sunday)
Gathering time: 10:00 a.m.
Departure time: 10:30 a.m.
Gathering location: Tsuen Wan Pier
No. of seats: 100

07 November 2020
Life Release on
Lhabab Düchen
We would like to invite you to join the life release with our Venerable Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima on Lhabab Düchen this Saturday (7 November 2020). The activity was set up to celebrate this auspicious day, in particular for the longevity of Khen Rinpoche’s mother.
Lhabab Düchen, the Festival of the Descent from Heaven, is one of the four auspicious days of Lord Buddha. The day occurred when Lord Buddha returned to this world after giving teachings to his mother in the realm of gods.
Details of the activity are as follows:
*Date:* 7 November 2020 (Saturday)
*Meeting time:* 10:00 a.m.
*Departure time:* 10:30 a.m. sharp
*Meeting point:* Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier
*Fee:* Free of charge
*Seats:* 40 persons
– Please wear a mask throughout the activity; and,
– Seats are limited and registration is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Chau
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
* Apple
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
20 September 2020
Life Release
We would like to invite you to join the life release with our Venerable Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima on 20 September 2020 (Sunday). The activity was organized in response to requests from Khen Rinpoche’s students to remove obstacles and sickness with a life release. May this life release bring all living beings to perfect Buddhahood, and His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and all the great masters in the world live long, and turn the wheel of the Dharma all the time as well.
Details of the activity are as follows:
Date: 20 September 2020 (Sunday)
Meeting time: 10:00 a.m.
Departure time: 10:30 a.m. sharp
Meeting point: Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier
Fee: Free of charge
Seats: 40 persons
– Please wear a mask throughout the activity; and,
– Please comply with the latest government’s anti-epidemic measures and maintain an appropriate social distancing during the event.
Seats are limited and registration is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Chau
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
* Apple
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Sheri
Phone/ WhatsApp: 9713 8309
WeChat: SheriTam18
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
02 September 2020
Life Release on
Yu Lan Festival
We would like to invite you to join the life release with our Venerable Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima on 2 September 2020 (Wednesday). The activity will be take place during the Yu Lan Festival, or called the Hungry Ghost Festival for the longevity of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and all the great masters, and removal of our obstacles.
Details of the activity are as follows:
Date:2 September 2020 (Wednesday)
Meeting time: 8:30 a.m.
Departure time: 9:00 a.m. sharp
Meeting point: Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier
Fee: Free of charge
Seats: 40 persons
– Please wear a face mask throughout the activity; and,
– Please comply with the latest government’s anti-epidemic measures and maintain an appropriate social distancing during the event.
Seats are limited and the registration is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Chou
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
* Apple
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
07 June 2020
Life Release to
Celebrate Father’s Day
with our Master
Khen Rinpoche
Kalsang Nyima
We sincerely invite you to join the life release on the coming Sunday (7 June 2020) to celebrate this year’s Father’s Day with Khen Rinpoche, to express our gratitude and appreciation for our master.
Details of the activities are as follows:
Date:7th June 2020 (coming Sunday)
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.(Meeting time: 10:00 a.m.; Departure time: 10:30 a.m. sharp)
Venue: Tong Shui Road Public Pier, North Point, Hong Kong
Fee: Free of charge
Seats: 70 persons
– Please comply with the latest government’s anti-epidemic measures and maintain an appropriate social distancing during the luncheon, and please wear a mask; and
– Seats are limited and acceptance is on a first-come-first-served basis. please register ASAP!
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Chou
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
* Sheri
Phone/ WhatsApp:9713 8309
19 April 2019
Life Release to Celebrate the Birthday of Ven. Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima
To celebrate the 21 April birthday of Venerable KhenRinpoche Kalsang Nyima. We would like to invite you to join us to celebrate this special day through Life Release.
Date: 19 April 2019 (Friday) (Public Holiday)
Gathering time: 11:00 a.m.
Departure time: 11:30 a.m.
Gathering location: Tsuen Wan Pier
Seats are limited and acceptance is on a first-come-first-served basis. please register ASAP!
To register or for further enquiries, please contact the following volunteers:
* Chou
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Joyce
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616
19 April 2017
Life Release to Celebrate the 50th Birthday of Our Master Khen Rinpoche Kalsang Nyima
Dear all Dharma friends, 21 April (coming Friday) is the 50th birthday of Khenpo Kalsang Nyima Rinpoche. Khenpo Rinpoche, with his immense kindness, has given us numerous Dharma teachings and doha in this group. To repay Khenpo Rinpoche’s kindness, a group of Hong Kong students have organised a life release activity in this day, not only to celebrate Khenpo Rinpoche’s birthday, but also it is a good chance for us to actually practise Khenpo Rinpoche’s teachings, to do some virtuous actions and to benefit other sentient beings. Doing a life release not only can it save those fish from being slaughtered for food but is also good for our dharma practice.
Khenpo Rinpoche told us that it is not necessary to offer Rinpoche any gifts or money. The best thing to do is to do some dharma activities and dharma practices to celebrate his birthday. If you don’t have free time to do life release, then going to mountains or seasides to meditate on Khenpo Rinpoche’s teachings is also very good.
Students outside Hong Kong such as in China, Macau, Taiwan etc., you can also organise a life release or other activities to celebrate Rinpoche’s birthday and to pray for Rinpoche’s long life and good health.
Details of life release activity organised by HK students as as follows:
Date: 21 April 2017 (coming Friday)
Time: 11am
Venue: Tsuen Wan Pier (temporary fixed schedule is to release at the pier, if we could manage to rent a boat later, will notify the participants).
Please contact our volunteers if you would like to join us for the life release.
* Chou
Phone/ WhatsApp:9233 8298
Phone/ WhatsApp:6738 7958
* Fion
Phone/ WhatsApp:9155 9616